Channel: Chemistry
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What happens to your body after you die


There's no fighting it; each of us will die at some point. What happens next is a fascinating — if frightening — natural process.

Without preservation techniques like embalming or mummification, your body slowly begins to decay the second your heart stops beating.

It starts small, down at the cellular level. Your cells die, then bacteria, animals, and even the body itself digests your organs and tissues.

Here's how the complete, gruesome process plays out:

BI Graphics_What happens to your body when you die

Sources: Nature, Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Microbiology Today, EPEC Participant’s Handbook, BMJ, Australian Museum, Decomposition of Human Remains

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This very cool periodic table explains how we use all the elements


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Thanks to high school, we've all got a pretty good idea about what's on the periodic table.

But whether you're looking at something common like calcium, iron, and carbon, or something more obscure like krypton and antimony, how well do you know their functions? Could you name just one practical application for vanadium or ruthenium?

Lucky for us, Keith Enevoldsen from elements.wlonk.com has come up with this awesome periodic table that gives you at least one example for every single element (except for those weird superheavy elements that don't actually exist in nature).

There's thulium for laser eye surgery, cerium for lighter flints, and krypton for flashlights. You've got strontium for fireworks, and xenon for high-intensity lamps inside lighthouses.

Oh and that very patriotic element, americium? We use that in smoke detectors.

First unveiled in 1945 during the Manhattan Project, americium is produced by bombarding plutonium with neutrons in a nuclear reactor.

The resulting americium is radioactive, and while the tiny amounts of americium dioxide (AmO2) used in smoke detector produces alpha radiation to sniff out a fire, it will deliver approximately zero radiation to anyone living nearby.

I kinda want to tell you all about rubidium and how we use it in the world's most accurate time-keeping devices, and how niobium can help make trains levitate,but you should just check out the periodic table for yourself.

We've included a sneak-peak above, but for the real interactive experience, click here to try it out.

You can also download the PDF if you've got a class to teach, or maybe you just want to be great and put it on your bathroom door.

And if this whole exercise has made you realise just how rusty you've become with your science basics, check out AsapSCIENCE's Periodic Table Song below.

We'd like to see a better way of memorising the periodic table - it's even got the four brand new elements that earned a permanent spot in the seventh row back in January (which unfortunately have no cool uses outside of atomic research).

Check it out:

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Physicists just discovered a second state of liquid water


boiling water

It's one of the most fundamental compounds on Earth, and it makes up roughly 60 percent of the human body, and yet water is turning out to be stranger than we could have ever imagined.

Researchers have been investigating the physical properties of water, and found that when it's heated to between 40 and 60 degrees Celsius, it hits a 'crossover temperature', and appears to start switching between two different states of liquid.

As a chemical compound, water is so vital to life on Earth, we've been underestimating how legitimately weird it is.

We've all gotten so used to it, it's hard to imagine things getting any more complex than the three basic states: solid, liquid, gas. (Under very rare circumstances, a plasma-like state can also form.)

But in many ways, plain, old water is unlike any other substance on the planet.

With the exception of Mercury, water has the highest surface tension of all liquids. It's also one of the only known substances whose solid state can float on its liquid state, and unlike almost every other known substance, water expands when it freezes.

It also has a bizarre boiling point. While the boiling points of other hydrides, such as hydrogen telluride and hydrogen sulphide, decrease as their molecule size decreases, H2O has a surprisingly large boiling point for such a small molecular weight.

"No one really understands water,"Philip Ball points out in Nature. "It's embarrassing to admit it, but the stuff that covers two-thirds of our planet is still a mystery. Worse, the more we look, the more the problems accumulate: new techniques probing deeper into the molecular architecture of liquid water are throwing up more puzzles."

Switching states

Now physicists have demonstrated that somewhere between the temperatures of 40 and 60 degrees Celsius (104 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit), liquid water can 'switch' states, exhibiting a whole new set of properties depending on the state it flips to.

To figure this out, an international team led by physicist Laura Maestro from the University of Oxford in the UK looked at a number of specific properties of water.

They looked at things like thermal conductivity, refractive index, conductivity, surface tension, and the dielectric constant - how well an electric field can spread through a substance - and how they responded to fluctuations in temperature between 0 and 100 degrees Celsius.

Hot Springs shutterstock

Once the water hit 40 degrees, things started to shift, and properties were changing all the way up to 60 degrees. Each property had a different 'crossover temperature' somewhere within this threshold, and the researchers suggest that this is because the liquid water had switched into a different phase.

The team lists a few of these crossover temperatures: approximately 64 degrees Celsius for thermal conductivity, 50 degrees Celsius for refractive index, about 53 degrees Celsius for conductivity, and 57 degrees Celsius for surface tension.

"These results confirm that in the 0-100 degrees Celsius range, liquid water presents a crossover temperature in many of its properties close to 50 degrees Celsius,"they conclude.

Weak bonds

So what's going on here? It's not yet clear, but the fact that water could be switching between two entirely different states of liquid at certain temperatures could be linked to why H2O has such unusual properties in general.

Water molecules maintain only very short-lived connections between each other, and these hydrogen bonds are actually far weaker than the bonds that link the individual hydrogen and oxygen atoms inside the molecules.

For this reason, the hydrogen bonds that link water molecules together are constantly breaking and reforming, and yet within all that chaos, set structures and 'rules' persist. Physicists suspect that this is what gives water its unusual properties - but no one's entirely sure how it works.

"Everyone is agreed that one aspect of water's molecular structure sets it apart from most other liquids: fleeting hydrogen bonds,"Ball writes for Nature.

"These feeble bonds that link the molecules constantly break and form above water's melting point, yet still impose a degree of structure on the molecular jumble. That's where the consensus ends."

While Maestro and her team's results will need to be replicated by an independent team before we can start rewriting textbooks to reflect the four (or 3.5?) states of water that could potentially exist, they say their discovery could have big implications for our understanding of both nano and biological systems.

"For example, the optical properties of metallic (gold and silver) nanoparticles dispersed in water, used as nanoprobes, and the emission properties of ... quantum dots, used for fluorescence bioimaging and tumour targeting, show a singular behaviour in this temperature range,"they write in their paper.

"[It also] raises the question of whether temperature-driven structural changes in water affect biological macromolecules in aqueous solutions, and in particular in proteins, which are the vital functional biological units in living cells."

The research has been published in the International Journal of Nanotechnology.

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Scientists have evolved a remarkable new form of life that can bond silicon to carbon


silicon carbide alien life illustration science

Scientists have coaxed life to do something it has never done before: bond silicon to carbon.

You're probably already familiar with a few products products that use carbon-silicon, or organosilicon: glues, caulks, and pesticides, to name a few.

But the new biological trick, which was forcefully evolved in bacteria, is safer and 15 times more efficient than synthetic, industrial chemistry at making organosilicons that are useful to industry and research.

This new bioengineering by Caltech researchers, described in the journal Science, may not improve the prospects of silicon-based alien life — contrary to a colorful illustration sent to members of the press (shown here) — but it could enable biologists to ask sci-fi-level questions.

"Why does life look the way it does? We can start asking, for the first time, what happens if you put silicon in place of carbon in living systems,"Frances Arnold, a Caltech bioengineer and biochemist who co-authored the study, in a video about the work.

More immediately, the process could also revolutionize a whole class of chemistry that's useful in electronics, medicine, and other fields.

Silicon and carbon are remarkably similar — to a point

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Silicon atoms outnumber carbon atoms in the Earth's crust more than 1,000-fold, yet the two elements are remarkably alike, chemically speaking. In fact, they're stacked right atop one another on the Periodic Table.

Yet life as we know it is organic, or based on carbon — from DNA to proteins to how it stores and uses energy. So why are we carbon-based and not silicon-based?

Chemist Raymond Dessy, in a 2010 Scientific American article titled "Could silicon be the basis for alien life forms, just as carbon is on Earth?", explored this question in detail. First, he explained how similar silicon and carbon are: They have the same number of electrons (four) available for bonding. They bond easily with oxygen. And they can link up to form polymers, or long chains of molecules, with oxygen — a foundation to making DNA and other genetic material.

But the similarities essentially end there.

When silicon is burned, it forms solids like silicon dioxide, better known as silica or quartz. Meanwhile, burning carbon compounds produces gases like carbon dioxide.

So silicon, at least in the environment of Earth, "would pose disposal problems for a living system," Dessy said, since waste products couldn't dissolve or float away. They'd instead stick around and accumulate.

Silicon-silicon bonds are also twice as weak as carbon-carbon bonds, which causes all sorts of problems as they are linked up (compared to carbon). And there's a more complex aspect here related to chirality or "handedness" of molecules. Silicon generally doesn't form unique versions of the same molecule, but carbon often does — and that chemical diversity gives life a lot of room to play.

"The complex dance of life requires interlocking chains of reactions. And these reactions can only take place within a narrow range of temperatures and pH levels," Dessy wrote. "Given such constraints, carbon can and silicon can't."

Still, we don't know this for sure. There might be some environments where silicon-based life might exist.

Organosilicons could help researches probe the details of why life is carbon-based, and perhaps if there may be a chance for a Star Trek-like "horta" creatures out there in the universe.

"It's very hard to explore that, chemically, unless you have organisms that can make these bonds," Arnold said in a video. "[But] we're not actually trying to find life in rocks, we're more trying to put rocks in life."

And doing so, Arnold said, could "promote new chemical reactions" that could help people on Earth.

Speeding up evolution and chemistry for industry

iceland blue lagoon shutterstock_522339559

Lately, scientists have found organosilicons a key material in developing new medicine, since — as close-but-not-quite cousins to carbon — they mimic yet don't replace the stuff in our bodies, possibly aiding drug potency, release, and inhibition, as well as medical imaging technologies.

However: "No living organism is known to put silicon-carbon bonds together, even though silicon is so abundant, all around us, in rocks and all over the beach," Jennifer Kan, a researcher in Arnold's lab and the study's lead author, said in a Caltech press release.

As a result, we rely on synthetic chemistry to make organosilicons. And it's expensive, requiring rare or precious elements like rhodium, iridium, and copper — atoms that can catalyze, or speed up, a chemical reaction. Unfortunately, those reactions also require dangerous halogenated solvents (which form toxic gases when exposed to air).

So Arnold, Kan, and their colleagues found a way to hack nature to get the job done more cheaply and safely, using a relatively new process called directed evolution.

Directed evolution takes fast-growing bacteria (like Escherichia coli), mixes them with huge libraries of mutated genes (which might lend the bacteria new abilities), and shocks the mixture (to trick the bacteria into randomly incorporating the mutated genes). It then screens the billions of bacteria for the handful that do what researchers desire.

Altogether, it can take mere days to evolve microorganisms to do one's bidding.

Kan's team started with a bacteria called Rhodothermus marinus: an organism which lives in Icelandic thermal springs. The microbe has a well-studied, iron-based protein called "cytochrome c" which, the team discovered, could form carbon-silicon bonds.

After a bit of time in their evolutionary torture chamber, a strain emerged that could make organosilicon compounds 12 times more efficiently than ordinary cytochrome c. But they kept evolving the bacteria, focusing on the mutated bits of DNA that seemed to make a difference.

Ultimately they created a new bacteria species — and a new, triply-evolved version of cytochrome c — that could forge organosilicons 15 times more efficiently than "the best synthetic catalysts for this class of reaction," they wrote in the study. It also worked to build 20 different organosilicons, using different starting chemicals.

Since R. marinus is tough to grow (it requires scorching temperatures), they migrated their genetic masterpiece into E. coli, which is commonly grown in the lab. And it worked nearly as well.

"This iron-based, genetically encoded catalyst is nontoxic, cheaper, and easier to modify compared to other catalysts used in chemical synthesis," Kan said in the release. "The new reaction can also be done at room temperature and in water."

Hendrik Klare and Martin Oestreich, two chemists at Technische Universität Berlin who weren't involved in the study, wrote in a Science commentary that the study "closes a crucial gap between biological" and synthetic chemistry.

"The impact is unforeseeable, but it seems that we are a big step closer to potentially facilitating industrially relevant reactions," they wrote.

As for making possible blobby, silicon-based beasts that congregate around hot springs? Perhaps those are better left to Star Trek, and the imagination.

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Scientists have made a bizarre lifeform that bonds carbon to silicon


silicon carbide alien life illustration science

Scientists have coaxed life to do something it has never done before: bond silicon to carbon.

You're probably already familiar with a few products products that use carbon-silicon, or organosilicon: glues, caulks, and pesticides, to name a few.

But the new biological trick, which was forcefully evolved in bacteria, is safer and 15 times more efficient than synthetic, industrial chemistry at making organosilicons that are useful to industry and research.

This new bioengineering by Caltech researchers, described in the journal Science, may not improve the prospects of silicon-based alien life — contrary to a colorful illustration sent to members of the press (shown here) — but it could enable biologists to ask sci-fi-level questions.

"Why does life look the way it does? We can start asking, for the first time, what happens if you put silicon in place of carbon in living systems,"Frances Arnold, a Caltech bioengineer and biochemist who co-authored the study, in a video about the work.

More immediately, the process could also revolutionize a whole class of chemistry that's useful in electronics, medicine, and other fields.

Silicon and carbon are remarkably similar — to a point

silicon carbide shutterstock_381335113

Silicon atoms outnumber carbon atoms in the Earth's crust more than 1,000-fold, yet the two elements are remarkably alike, chemically speaking. In fact, they're stacked right atop one another on the Periodic Table.

Yet life as we know it is organic, or based on carbon — from DNA to proteins to how it stores and uses energy. So why are we carbon-based and not silicon-based?

Chemist Raymond Dessy, in a 2010 Scientific American article titled "Could silicon be the basis for alien life forms, just as carbon is on Earth?", explored this question in detail. First, he explained how similar silicon and carbon are: They have the same number of electrons (four) available for bonding. They bond easily with oxygen. And they can link up to form polymers, or long chains of molecules, with oxygen — a foundation to making DNA and other genetic material.

But the similarities essentially end there.

When silicon is burned, it forms solids like silicon dioxide, better known as silica or quartz. Meanwhile, burning carbon compounds produces gases like carbon dioxide.

So silicon, at least in the environment of Earth, "would pose disposal problems for a living system," Dessy said, since waste products couldn't dissolve or float away. They'd instead stick around and accumulate.

Silicon-silicon bonds are also twice as weak as carbon-carbon bonds, which causes all sorts of problems as they are linked up (compared to carbon). And there's a more complex aspect here related to chirality or "handedness" of molecules. Silicon generally doesn't form unique versions of the same molecule, but carbon often does — and that chemical diversity gives life a lot of room to play.

"The complex dance of life requires interlocking chains of reactions. And these reactions can only take place within a narrow range of temperatures and pH levels," Dessy wrote. "Given such constraints, carbon can and silicon can't."

Still, we don't know this for sure. There might be some environments where silicon-based life might exist.

Organosilicons could help researches probe the details of why life is carbon-based, and perhaps if there may be a chance for a Star Trek-like "horta" creatures out there in the universe.

"It's very hard to explore that, chemically, unless you have organisms that can make these bonds," Arnold said in a video. "[But] we're not actually trying to find life in rocks, we're more trying to put rocks in life."

And doing so, Arnold said, could "promote new chemical reactions" that could help people on Earth.

Speeding up evolution and chemistry for industry

iceland blue lagoon shutterstock_522339559

Lately, scientists have found organosilicons a key material in developing new medicine, since — as close-but-not-quite cousins to carbon — they mimic yet don't replace the stuff in our bodies, possibly aiding drug potency, release, and inhibition, as well as medical imaging technologies.

However: "No living organism is known to put silicon-carbon bonds together, even though silicon is so abundant, all around us, in rocks and all over the beach," Jennifer Kan, a researcher in Arnold's lab and the study's lead author, said in a Caltech press release.

As a result, we rely on synthetic chemistry to make organosilicons. And it's expensive, requiring rare or precious elements like rhodium, iridium, and copper — atoms that can catalyze, or speed up, a chemical reaction. Unfortunately, those reactions also require dangerous halogenated solvents (which form toxic gases when exposed to air).

So Arnold, Kan, and their colleagues found a way to hack nature to get the job done more cheaply and safely, using a relatively new process called directed evolution.

Directed evolution takes fast-growing bacteria (like Escherichia coli), mixes them with huge libraries of mutated genes (which might lend the bacteria new abilities), and shocks the mixture (to trick the bacteria into randomly incorporating the mutated genes). It then screens the billions of bacteria for the handful that do what researchers desire.

Altogether, it can take mere days to evolve microorganisms to do one's bidding.

Kan's team started with a bacteria called Rhodothermus marinus: an organism which lives in Icelandic thermal springs. The microbe has a well-studied, iron-based protein called "cytochrome c" which, the team discovered, could form carbon-silicon bonds.

After a bit of time in their evolutionary torture chamber, a strain emerged that could make organosilicon compounds 12 times more efficiently than ordinary cytochrome c. But they kept evolving the bacteria, focusing on the mutated bits of DNA that seemed to make a difference.

Ultimately they created a new bacteria species — and a new, triply-evolved version of cytochrome c — that could forge organosilicons 15 times more efficiently than "the best synthetic catalysts for this class of reaction," they wrote in the study. It also worked to build 20 different organosilicons, using different starting chemicals.

Since R. marinus is tough to grow (it requires scorching temperatures), they migrated their genetic masterpiece into E. coli, which is commonly grown in the lab. And it worked nearly as well.

"This iron-based, genetically encoded catalyst is nontoxic, cheaper, and easier to modify compared to other catalysts used in chemical synthesis," Kan said in the release. "The new reaction can also be done at room temperature and in water."

Hendrik Klare and Martin Oestreich, two chemists at Technische Universität Berlin who weren't involved in the study, wrote in a Science commentary that the study "closes a crucial gap between biological" and synthetic chemistry.

"The impact is unforeseeable, but it seems that we are a big step closer to potentially facilitating industrially relevant reactions," they wrote.

As for making possible blobby, silicon-based beasts that congregate around hot springs? Perhaps those are better left to Star Trek, and the imagination.

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14 of your biggest questions about wine, answered with science


cheers with wine glasses

We've all been there.

You're in a liquor or grocery store, trying to pick out wine with a group of friends when, inevitably, some unexpected member offers up their expert opinion.

Truth be told, there's a whole lot of science behind wine. Genetics, chemistry, microbiology, and even psychology all play a role in everything from how it's produced to which ones we buy and when.

To get a better sense of what goes into making that glass of red or white, we chatted with James Harbertson, a Washington State University professor of enology — that's the study of wine.

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Is cheap wine bad for you?

No way. Last year, rumors of a lawsuit that claimed that cheap wines had high levels of arsenic in it began circulating. One small detail the rumors left out: The lawsuit compared the levels of arsenic in wine to that of drinking water. To have any kind of negative experience as a result of this, you'd most likely have to drink about 2 liters of wine — a little more than 13 servings' worth.

That's an awful lot of wine.

What's the difference between a wine that costs $50 and a wine that costs $500?

The short answer? Not a lot — so long as you're just drinking it.

The price comes from a number of different factors — the maker, the type of grape, how long it's aged, etc. But if you're just looking for a solid bottle of wine, an inexpensive bottle could taste just as good if not better than a thousand-dollar bottle.

If anything, there's a bigger psychological component at play. A study that conducted a blind taste test in which people were given samples of wine found that they did not get any more enjoyment from a more expensive wine compared to a less expensive version. In another study, researchers found that untrained wine tasters actually liked the more expensive wines less than the cheaper ones.

If you're collecting, on the other hand, of course the price tag will make a difference.

"In the end, it's just wine," said Harbertson.

What are tannins and what are they doing in my wine?

You know that dry feeling you get in your mouth after a sip of red wine? You can thank tannins, naturally occurring chemicals that are found in wine and other beverages, like black tea.

Tannins give wine its weight — what makes it more milky than watery — so they're integral to all red wines, Harbertson said. They bind to proteins like the ones in saliva, which is what makes your mouth dry out. It's not as simple an experience as tasting something that's bitter, he said. The interaction of red wine in your mouth ends up feeling more like a texture than just a taste, something known as a "mouthfeel."

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

This new Periodic Table shows the astounding origins of every atom in your body


In the first episode of his famous TV series about space, "Cosmos: A Personal Voyage," the late astronomer Carl Sagan wastes no time dramatically setting the stage.

"The surface of the Earth is the shore of the cosmic ocean," Sagan says. "Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return, and we can, because the cosmos is also within us. We're made of star stuff. We are a way for the cosmos to know itself."

Building on that spirit, Jennifer A. Johnson, an astronomer at the Ohio State University, has hacked the periodic table of elements to show exactly what kind of "star stuff" Sagan is talking about, and how much.

Her graphic below, which we first saw in a tweet by science writer Corey Powell, shows the violent cosmic origins of every element in the solar system — including all of the atoms in our bodies:

periodic table chemical elements space origins supernovas jennifer a johnson nasa esa

Johnson said the idea for plotting out the origins of periodic elements started at a meeting 8 years ago with fellow astronomer Inese Ivans, but that early attempts (like this one) were unsatisfying.

"Once you have spent ~20 years getting [...] this info into your brain, the main difficulty is not wanting to make the plot too complicated to include every little detail," Johnson told Business Insider in an email. "In several cases I needed to say 'OK, that's close enough to get the point across'."

She ultimately color-coded six types of cosmic events that can forge new atoms: the Big Bang, cosmic rays, merging neutron stars, and three different classes of exploding stars. Each portion of color shows the relative amount of element the event made.

crab nebula star death Spitzer telescope

It shows that many critical elements in our bodies — oxygen (O), phosphorus (P), and sulfur (S) — came out of giant exploding stars called supernova, while others — like carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) — came from dying, sun-like stars. Hydrogen (H), meanwhile, which is a key component of water, came out of the Big Bang.

Johnson said all the scientific evidence behind the chart "goes back decades" and is still evolving.

"You have stars with the mass of the Sun dying, you have massive stars and white dwarfs blowing up, you have neutron stars [...] then swirling into each other and merging," she said. "It's hard work!"

The elements technetium (Tc) and promethium (Pm) are gray, Johnson says, "because the only time we see them is when we make them in colliders or nuclear bombs."

Johnson said one thing her chart doesn't show is how long it took to get each element. To get all the core elements of life in the right abundances, for example, plus rock-building elements — magnesium (Mg), silicon (Si), and iron (Fe) — it took billions upon billions of years.

"So right after the Big Bang — no planets, no life until stars had time to enrich the Universe," she said. "'So 'long ago, in a galaxy far, far, away' can't have been too long ago!"

If the contrast isn't shining through very well, Johnson also made a colorblind-friendly version of the chart.

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DON'T MISS: Scientists have made a bizarre form of life that bonds carbon to silicon

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Scientists have confirmed a brand new phase of matter: time crystals


Fractals pagoda cauliflower

For months now, there's been speculation that researchers might have finally created time crystals — strange crystals that have an atomic structure that repeats not just in space, but in time, putting them in constant oscillation without energy.

Now it's official — researchers have just reported in detail how to make and measure these bizarre crystals. And two independent teams of scientists claim they've actually created time crystals in the lab based off this blueprint, confirming the existence of an entirely new phase of matter.

The discovery might sound pretty abstract, but it heralds in a whole new era in physics — for decades we've been studying matter that's defined as being 'in equilibrium', such as metals and insulators.

But it's been predicted that there are many more strange types of matter out there in the Universe that aren't in equilibrium that we haven't even begun to look into, including time crystals. And now we know they're real.

The fact that we now have the first example of non-equilibrium matter could lead to breakthroughs in our understanding of the world around us, as well as new technology such as quantum computing.

"This is a new phase of matter, period, but it is also really cool because it is one of the first examples of non-equilibrium matter,"said lead researcher Norman Yao from the University of California, Berkeley.

"For the last half-century, we have been exploring equilibrium matter, like metals and insulators. We are just now starting to explore a whole new landscape of non-equilibrium matter."

Let's take a step back for a second, because the concept of time crystals has been floating around for a few years now.

First predicted by Nobel-Prize winning theoretical physicist Frank Wilczek back in 2012, time crystals are structures that appear to have movement even at their lowest energy state, known as a ground state.

Usually when a material is in ground state, also known as the zero-point energy of a system, it means movement should theoretically be impossible, because that would require it to expend energy.

But Wilczek predicted that this might not actually be the case for time crystals.

Normal crystals have an atomic structure that repeats in space — just like the carbon lattice of a diamond. But, just like a ruby or a diamond, they're motionless because they're in equilibrium in their ground state.

But time crystals have a structure that repeats in time, not just in space. And it keep oscillating in its ground state.

Imagine it like jelly — when you tap it, it repeatedly jiggles. The same thing happens in time crystals, but the big difference here is that the motion occurs without any energy.

A time crystal is like constantly oscillating jelly in its natural, ground state, and that's what makes it a whole new phase of matter — non-equilibrium matter. It's incapable of sitting still.

But it's one thing to predict these time crystals exist, it's another entirely to make them, which is where the new study comes in.

Yao and his team have now come up with a detailed blueprint that describes exactly how to make and measure the properties of a time crystal, and even predict what the various phases surrounding the time crystals should be — which means they've mapped out the equivalent of the solid, liquid, and gas phases for the new phase of matter.

Published in Physical Review Letters, Yao calls the paper"the bridge between the theoretical idea and the experimental implementation".

And it's not just speculation, either. Based on Yao's blueprint, two independent teams — one from the University of Maryland and one from Harvard— have now followed the instructions to create their own time crystals.

Both of these developments were announced at the end of last year on the pre-print site arXiv.org (here and here), and have been submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journals. Yao is a co-author on both articles.

While we're waiting for the papers to be published, we need to be skeptical about the two claims. But the fact that two separate teams have used the same blueprint to make time crystals out of vastly different systems is promising.

The University of Maryland's time crystals were created by taking a conga line of 10 ytterbium ions, all with entangled electron spins.


The key to turning that set-up into a time crystal was to keep the ions out of equilibrium, and to do that the researchers alternately hit them with two lasers. One laser created a magnetic field and the second laser partially flipped the spins of the atoms.

Because the spins of all the atoms were entangled, the atoms settled into a stable, repetitive pattern of spin flipping that defines a crystal.

That was normal enough, but to become a time crystal, the system had to break time symmetry. And observing the ytterbium atom conga line, the researchers noticed it was doing something odd.

The two lasers that were periodically nudging the ytterbium atoms were producing a repetition in the system at twice the period of the nudges, something that couldn't occur in a normal system.

"Wouldn't it be super weird if you jiggled the Jell-O and found that somehow it responded at a different period?"said Yao.

"But that is the essence of the time crystal. You have some periodic driver that has a period 'T', but the system somehow synchronises so that you observe the system oscillating with a period that is larger than 'T'."

Under different magnetic fields and laser pulsing, the time crystal would then change phase, just like an ice cube melting.


The Harvard time crystal was different. The researchers set it up using densely packed nitrogen vacancy centres in diamonds, but with the same result.

"Such similar results achieved in two wildly disparate systems underscore that time crystals are a broad new phase of matter, not simply a curiosity relegated to small or narrowly specific systems,"explained Phil Richerme from Indiana University, who wasn't involved in the study, in a perspective piece accompanying the paper.

"Observation of the discrete time crystal... confirms that symmetry breaking can occur in essentially all natural realms, and clears the way to several new avenues of research."

Yao's blueprint has been published in Physical Review Letters, and you can see the Harvard time crystal paper here, and the University of Maryland paper here.

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The truth about how many chemicals are in everything we eat



The idea that there is a difference between "natural" chemicals, like those found in fruits and vegetables, and the synthetic version of those chemicals is just a bad way of looking at the world.

There are many chemicals in our food's natural flavors and colors. Some of them have long, scary-sounding names, too.

All foods — and everything else around us — are made up of chemicals, whether they occur in nature or are made in a lab. That means everything we smell or taste is a response to chemicals.

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The characteristic smell of cloves, for example, comes from one chemical called eugenol.

And cinnamon, which is just the dried inner-bark of specific trees, gets its aroma and flavor from the compound cinnamaldehyde.

So, both artificial and natural flavors contain chemicals. The distinction between natural and artificial flavorings is the source of chemicals.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

Scientists have finally created a triangle-shaped molecule in the lab


triangulene triangle shaped molecule ibm research

  • The idea of a triangle-shaped molecule made out of carbon was first proposed in 1950.
  • It was very difficult to create and would break down before its existence could be verified.
  • Researchers at IBM finally figured out how to synthesize it and keep it stable.

For the first time, researchers have synthesized a strange and unstable triangle-shaped molecule called triangulene, which physicists have been chasing for nearly 70 years.

Triangulene is similar to the 'wonder material' graphene in that it's only one-atom-thick. But instead of sheet of carbon atoms, triangulene is made up of six hexagonal carbon molecules joined along their edges to form a triangle — an unusual arrangement that leaves two unpaired electrons unable form a stable bond. No one has ever been able to synthesize the molecule until now.

The elusive molecule was created by a team of researchers from IBM, using a needle-like microscope tip to manipulate individual atoms into the desired format.

"Triangulene is the first molecule that we've made that chemists have tried hard, and failed, to make already," lead researcher Leo Gross from the IBM labs in Switzerland, told Philip Ball from Nature.

It's not the first time researchers have been able to synthesize unstable molecules that have been impossible to make conventionally, but triangulene is extra special — not only because of its unique structure, but also because it's predicted to have useful properties in electronics and quantum computers.

A discovery 67 years in the making

erich clar chemistTriangulene was first predicted back in 1950 by Czech scientist Erich Clar.

He calculated that — theoretically at least — a triangle-shaped hydrocarbon could be made from six fused circular benzene molecules that would have an even number of atoms and electrons, but would leave two unpaired electrons due to its arrangement.

Clar tried and failed to make triangulene in the lab. It's an incredibly difficult task, because those two unpaired electrons don't like to remain unpaired, so immediately react with anything around them.

Conventional synthesis techniques involve scientists reacting molecules together to build up larger structures. But for almost 70 years, researchers have struggled to create triangulene this way.

"As soon as you synthesize it, it will oxidize,"said one of the researchers, Niko Pavliček.

The IBM team overcame this by using a different technique — instead of building up a structure molecule by molecule, they first created a larger precursor structure and then whittled it down.

The precursor had a couple of extra hydrogen atoms on it to make the molecule was stable. These hydrogen atoms were blasted off using an electron beam, leaving the unstable triangulene molecule.

They were even able to image the structure using a scanning probe microscope.

"To my knowledge, this is the first synthesis of unsubstituted triangulene," Takeji Takui from Osaka City University in Japan, who has worked on synthesizing triangulene, but wasn't involved with the IBM research, told Nature.

'Unexpected properties'

The new material is already showing some unique and unexpected properties.

As predicted, the team has shown that the two unpaired electrons in the triangulene molecule have aligned spins — which makes it magnetic on the molecular level, and means the structure could be useful for quantum computer and even creating spintronic devices.

But they also found that it also remained stable on a copper surface — for up to four days in one experiment. It was predicted that triangulene would have reacted with the metal, and the team is now trying to figure out why that didn't happen.

"We were surprised that no bond formed for triangulene on copper,"Gross told Nature News. "We think that is because triangulene is a pi-radical, which means it's unpaired electrons are delocalized."

There's still a lot to learn about triangulene, and as with the demonstration of any new material, other teams will now have the chance to poke holes in this discovery as they attempt to independently verify whether what the IBM researchers have created is really the elusive triangle-shaped molecule.

And while more research into this new structure is needed, the new chemical synthesize technique developed by the team should come in handy for making other elusive structures.

It's not something that will be suitable for all types of chemical synthesis — this is a slow and expensive process that probably won't be useful for many materials.

But when we're talking about something as lucrative as the future of quantum computing, then IBM definitely has a vested interested in getting new materials off the ground.

And that's a good thing for the rest of the scientific community, which will also benefit from their finds.

The research has been published in Nature Nanotechnology.

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5 of the most powerful non-nuclear explosives ever


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A chemistry department at a British university was recently evacuated after a student made the known explosive, TATP.

The chemical, tri-cyclic acetone peroxide, or TATP, was made by accident as the product of a chemistry experiment. But although the TATP in question came as an unwelcome surprise – the Ministry of Defence was forced to carry out a controlled disposal – there are many labs around the world which do design and make explosives for interest and application. Here are five of these non-nuclear chemicals which all explode via the rapid release of gas.


One of the most commonly known explosive chemicals is trinitrotoluene, or TNT, which has featured extensively in video games and films. It is often mistaken as dynamite, perhaps fueled by examples of confusion in popular culture, such as AC/DC’s song TNT with lyrics such as “I’m TNT. I’m dynamite”.

TNT is a yellow solid and was first produced as a dye in 1863. It doesn’t explode spontaneously and is very easy and convenient to handle, so its explosive properties were only discovered some 30 years later by German chemist Carl Häussermann in 1891.

TNT can even be melted and poured into vessels without so much as a flicker of excitement but it will explode with the help of a detonator – and with a great deal of force, since the nitro groups in the molecule rapidly turn into nitrogen gas. This makes it ideal for use in controlled demolitions, where the explosive can be planted and detonated when planned (for example by miners), making it a relatively “safe” explosive. It’s also used as a “standard measure” for bombs, so the “explosiveness” of other chemicals is often measured relative to TNT.


The chemical TATP belongs to a group of molecules named peroxides, which contain weak and unstable oxygen-oxygen bonds, and that are not found in TNT. This means that TATP is a lot less stable and more prone to spontaneously exploding.

image 20170213 15777 1dchbmwTATP is also known as the “mother of Satan” and with good reason – its explosions are known to be about 80% as strong as TNT, but the substance is much harder to handle. A firm shock or knock is enough to trigger an explosion, which means it’s quite easy to accidentally blow yourself up in the process of making it – and good reason to evacuate your chemistry department if it is accidentally made.

TATP has also received a lot of media attention because it is easy to make and has been regularly used in improvised explosive devices (IEDs) associated with terror attacks such as the London 7/7 bombings in 2005.


RDX is a “nitrogen explosive”, meaning that its explosive properties are due to the presence of many nitrogen-nitrogen bonds, rather than oxygen. These bonds are extremely unstable, since nitrogen atoms always want to come together to produce nitrogen gas because the triple bond in nitrogen gas. And the more nitrogen-nitrogen bonds a molecules has, like RDX, typically the more explosive it is.

Since TNT doesn’t contain any unstable nitrogen-nitrogen bonds, RDX packs more power – but it is often mixed with other chemicals to produce different effects, such as making it less sensitive and less likely to explode unexpectedly. It is also commonly used in controlled demolition of buildings.


One of the most powerful explosive chemicals known to us is PETN, which contains nitro groups which are similar to that in TNT and the nitroglycerin in dynamite. But the presence of more of these nitro groups means it explodes with more power. However, despite its powerful explosions, it’s quite difficult to get this chemical to detonate alone, and so it is usually used in combination with TNT or RDX.

PETN was used regularly in World War II, to create exploding-bridgewire detonators that use electric currents for detonation. It is now also used in the exploding-bridgewire detonators in nuclear weapons.

Its relatively low toxicity and medicinal properties as a vasodilator (it can widen blood vessels) also mean that it is used to treat angina – but don’t worry, you won’t explode.

Aziroazide azide

Among the least stable nitrogen-explosives is aziroazide azide which has 14 nitrogen atoms, with most of them bonded to each other in successive, unstable nitrogen-nitrogen bonds – making them prone to explosion. You would never see these kinds of molecules in nature due to their incredible instability, but they were made in a German research lab by Thomas Klapötke’s group as recently as 2011.

image 20170213 15787 33kuh2Attempts to touch or handle this chemical (and some may say so much as even look at) can cause it to detonate, breaking those bonds and turning them into multiple molecules of rapidly expanding nitrogen gas. The reaction creates a huge amount of heat and so only tiny amounts of this chemical have ever been synthesized for testing – which have blown up inside expensive pieces of analysis equipment on many occasions. You’d have to be pretty crazy to create large amounts and explains why it hasn’t yet found any use.

This list is by no means comprehensive – there are plenty of other explosive chemicals at the disposal of chemists and industrialists. But these are among the most famous and dangerous non-nuclear chemicals to date. You’ll be glad to know that many of them would be more difficult to make by accident than TATP – and we can usually predict and avoid the reactions that can produce them.

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The nerve toxin reportedly used on Kim Jong Un's half-brother takes only a single, oily drop to kill


kim jong nam kim jong nam north korea half brothers AP_17046196133744

On February 13 in a Malaysian airport, authorities say, two women sprayed poison on Kim Jong-nam — the exiled half-brother of North Korea's ruler, Kim Jong Un — leading to Jong-nam's death.

South Korean and US officials believe North Korean agents assassinated Jong-nam, according to Reuters, and on Friday, Malaysian police said they'd found VX nerve gas on his eyes and face.

"VX is the most toxic substance known — 10 milligrams of the oily liquid on your skin, less than a drop, is lethal," Debora MacKenzie wrote for New Scientist.

Chemical-weapons experts told MacKenzie they weren't fully convinced VX caused Jong-nam's death, since at least one of the women accused of killing him didn't seem to show any symptoms.

Either way, it's worth taking a look at the toxin, why it's deadly, and who has it. Business Insider compiled the information below from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Reuters, and other sources.

What the toxin is and does

VX is a nerve agent that:

  • Is an amber-colored liquid with the consistency of motor oil.
  • Dissolves in water and has no odor or taste.
  • Overstimulates muscles, glands, and other tissues, and can stop breathing.
  • Can work within minutes or hours, depending on the dose.
  • Can be lethal if it touches the skin, yet is more toxic if inhaled.
  • Has a full chemical name of O-ethyl S-2-diisopropylaminoethyl methyl phosphonothioate.

What the symptoms are

nerve gas masks chemical warfare drill soldiers GettyImages 1686135Moderate exposure

  • Head: confusion, drowsiness, and headache.
  • Eyes: blurry vision, eye pain, small/pinpoint pupils.
  • Mouth, nose, and lungs: cough, drooling, runny nose, rapid breathing, chest tightness.
  • Skin: excessive sweating.
  • Digestion: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, increased urination.
  • Cardiovascular: abnormal blood pressure and heart rate, weakness.

Lethal exposure

  • Convulsions
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Paralysis
  • Breathing failure

How it's treated

There is no one-stop antidote for all symptoms. But according to Gerry Doyle at The New York Times, "Injections of atropine, if administered quickly after exposure, can counteract the lethal effects of VX."

Here's how the CDC recommends treating people who think they've been exposed to VX:

  • Get away from the exposure area and move to fresh air, getting to higher ground if possible, since the gas is denser than air and sinks.
  • Rapidly remove clothing, tearing it off if necessary.
  • To protect from further exposure, place the contaminated clothes in a bag, then seal within another bag, as soon as possible.
  • Wash the entire body with excessive soap and water.
  • Flush the eyes for 10-15 minutes if vision is blurred.
  • If swallowed, don't induce vomiting or drink fluids.
  • Seek medical attention immediately.

Who has VX nerve gas

vx nerve agent newport chemical depot AP_971119091

Although the United Kingdom developed VX in the 1950s, CNN reports it was first used in the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s. It was also used by a cult in 1994 and 1995 to attack people on the Tokyo subway system and may have accidentally killed a bunch of sheep in Utah in the 1960s, according to The Times.

Except for limited use in research, manufacturing VX is banned by countries that ratified the United Nations Chemical Weapons Convention in the 1990s. VX is listed in that treaty as a weapon of mass destruction alongside sarin, mustards, ricin, and other deadly toxins.

The only four countries that haven't ratified the treaty are Egypt, Israel, North Korea, and South Sudan, according to the Arms Control Association.

According to the Nuclear Threat Initiative, North Korea may possess at least 2,500 metric tons of chemical weapons, and presumably, VX is part of that stockpile.

"Evidently, the North Koreans have it and managed to weaponize it," Rick Francona, a military analyst, told CNN.

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A scientist invented a powder that instantly transforms into fake snow

This object has been sprayed with the world's blackest material — and it's unnerving



Well, we've finally cracked it. Scientists have finally figured out how to paint a portal to another dimension, as prophesied by Loony Tunes' the Roadrunner. Who wants to try driving a (very small) truck right through that gaping void circle?

In all seriousness, what you're looking at isn't actually a portal to another dimension — but it's not Photoshop, either. That really is a physical object that's been sprayed with Vantablack— the blackest material known to science.

If you're not familiar with Vantablack, it was invented by British researchers back in 2014, and soon after, it was declared the darkest material ever produced in the lab, capable of absorbing 99.96 percent of ultraviolet, visible, and infrared light.

Since then, the team behind the invention — from Surrey NanoSystems — has upped its blackness, and in early 2016, announced that no spectrometer in the world was powerful enough to measure how much light it absorbs.

"Even running a high power laser pointer across it barely reflects anything back to the viewer,"the researchers explain in a YouTube video."We have never before made a material so 'black' that it can't be picked up on our spectrometers in the infrared."

In order to make this thing more marketable, the team has now released a 'spray-on' form, which isn't quite as black — it only blocks 99.8 percent of ultraviolet, visible, and infrared light — but that's enough to make three-dimensional objects appear distinctly two-dimensional.

Just look at this thing, it's legitimately unnerving:



So how does it actually work?

In its original, blackest form, Vantablack isn't a paint, pigment, or fabric, but is actually a special coating made from millions of carbon nanotubes, each one measuring around 20 nanometres (roughly 3,500 times smaller than a human hair) by 14 to 50 microns. To put that in perspective, 1 nanometre equals 0.001 microns.

So a surface area of Vantablack measuring just 1 cm squared would contain around 1,000 million of these tiny nanotubes.

When light hits this arrangement, it enters the gaps between the nanotubes, and is almost instantly trapped and absorbed as it bounces between them.

"The near total lack of reflectance creates an almost perfect black surface,"say the researchers.

"To understand this effect, try to visualise walking through a forest in which the trees are around 3 km tall instead of the usual 10 to 20 metres. It's easy to imagine just how little light, if any, would reach you."

Vantablack is so dark, it's almost impossible for the human eye to perceive it — we need some order of reflected light for our brains to be able to process what's in front of us. As a result, the team says the observer's ability to perceive gets confused, and some people say looking at Vantablack is like looking into a bottomless hole.

Their new spray-on version, called Vantablack S-VIS, now allows them to apply Vantablack to much larger objects, which means there really is a possibility of stealth jets being painted in the stuff.

Here's what it looks like when sprayed on a three-dimensional face mask, rendering all the features non-existent to our eyes:


And here's another one of that spherical object, because holy crap:


If you're wondering how to get your hands on some of this stuff, unfortunately, it's not available to paint your car in, but if you work at a university or museum, you might just be able to get a sample.

For the rest of us, we'll just have to marvel at this miracle of modern science from a distance.

Here's a comparison of regular black paint and Vantablack, just in case you still weren't convinced that it really is possible to create something that's quite literally blacker than black:

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A fashion designer makes science-inspired dresses to support women in STEM

Breathing the nerve gas reportedly used in Syria feels like 'a knife made of fire' in your lungs


A man carries the body of a dead child, after what rescue workers described as a suspected gas attack in the town of Khan Sheikhoun in rebel-held Idlib, Syria April 4, 2017. REUTERS/Ammar Abdullah

On April 4, airstrikes pounded the small Syrian town of Khan Sheikhoun, wounding hundreds and killing more than 80 people, including at least 20 women and 30 children.

Shortly after the attack, photos, videos, and written reports of the carnage began pouring onto the internet — and it quickly became clear to experts that something other than conventional weapons was used in the bombing.

Victims described running from toxic gases, with those who could not escape allegedly choking and foaming at the mouth. Footage taken after the attack showed infants shaking uncontrollably.

These and other pieces of evidence suggested at the use of chemical weapons, and on Thursday, anonymous US officials told the Associated Press that early "assessments showed the use of chlorine gas and traces of the nerve agent sarin in the attack".

Chlorine gas is a powerful irritant that can wreak havoc on the human body, but isn't known for being extremely lethal. A small amount of sarin gas, however, mirrors the effects of VX nerve agent— the world's most deadly poison.

Blame for the internationally condemned strikes has fallen on ruler Bashar Assad and his regime in Syria, while Russian officials have "fancifully" blamed a rebel chemical weapons stockpile for causing the massacre.

Here's what sarin gas is and what it does to the body, according to information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Reuters, and other sources.

Where the toxin comes from and what it is

chemical weapons

Sarin is a nerve agent that:

  • Was developed in Germany in 1938 as a pesticide.
  • Is a human-made substance that's similar to insecticides called organophosphates, yet is far more powerful.
  • Is clear, colorless, tasteless, and odorless liquid in pure form, and dissolves easily in water.
  • Rapidly evaporates into a dense gas that sinks to low-lying areas, and is the most volatile of all nerve agents.
  • In a bomb, mixes as two chemicals to weaponize the nerve agent.
  • Can affect people through their skin, eyes, and lungs, and through contaminated food and clothes.
  • Was used in attacks on Japan in 1994 and 1994.
  • Was used by Bashar Assad's regime during an attack in Syria in 2013.

Why sarin gas is deadly

This Reuters illustration explains how sarin gas works on the body's nervous system:

sarin nerve gas effects chart explainer reuters RTX10CKX

What the symptoms of exposure are

Moderate exposure

  • Syria AttackHead: confusion, drowsiness, and headache.
  • Eyes: watery eyes, eye, pain, blurry vision, small/pinpoint pupils.
  • Mouth, nose, and lungs: cough, drooling, runny nose, rapid breathing, chest tightness; victims have described breathing sarin gas as "a knife made of fire" tearing up their lungs.
  • Skin: excessive sweating, muscle twitching at the site of contact.
  • Digestion: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, increased urination, diarrhea.
  • Cardiovascular: abnormal blood pressure and heart rate, weakness.

Lethal exposure

  • Convulsions
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Paralysis
  • Breathing failure

How sarin nerve agent is treated

nerve gas masks chemical warfare drill soldiers GettyImages 1686135While there's an antidote, to be effective it must be used quickly — so the CDC recommends leaving the area where gas may be present and seeking fresh air. They also recommend getting to higher ground, since sarin gas sinks downward.

The CDC also says potential victims should:

  • Rapidly remove clothing, tearing it off if necessary.
  • To protect from further exposure, place the contaminated clothes in a bag, then seal within another bag, as soon as possible.
  • Wash the entire body with excessive soap and water.
  • Flush the eyes for 10-15 minutes if vision is blurred.
  • If swallowed, don't induce vomiting or drink fluids.
  • Seek medical attention immediately.

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DON'T MISS: A single, oily drop of VX nerve toxin is enough to kill a person

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Here's why nerve agents are some of the most deadly chemicals on Earth


nerve gas masks chemical warfare drill soldiers GettyImages 1686135

Chemical weapons like sarin and VX are known to kill men, women, and children with gruesome efficiency.

While their names differ, both are members of a larger group of human-made substances, called nerve agents, that all target the same system in the body.

The five most common and important nerve agents are tabun, sarin, soman, GF, and VX, according to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. In pure form, each is a colorless and mostly odorless liquid.

Any nerve agent can affect a person through the skin, breathing, ingestion, or all three routes, depending on the substance and how it's used. For example, VX resembles a thick oil but dissolves in water (a drop was enough to kill Kim Jong Un's brother), while sarin (which was spread over a Syria's Idlib province on April 4) quickly evaporates into the air.

Special bombs can weaponize these liquids by rapidly dispersing them into a breathable form.

These two graphics illustrate what nerve agents do to the body and the biochemistry of how they work.

nerve agent chemical weapons symptoms effects sarin vx tabun soman gf business insider

The way nerve agents attack the body's cholinergic system produces these and other symptoms.

Specifically, the chemicals target an enzyme that drifts in the spaces, or synapses, between nerve cells and muscle cells.

how nerve agent chemical weapons work biochemistry sarin vx tabun soman gf business insider

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