A chemistry professor at Houston-area Lonestar College allegedly taught students the wrong material for the majority of a semester, according to a local news station's investigative report.
Lonestar student Lauren Firmin told KHOU that she enrolled in and believed she was taking an "Intro to Chemistry" course in Fall 2013. However, the self-identified straight-A student realized something was wrong when she failed every test in the class, she said.
"I was getting 40's on every test. I studied as hard as I could, did everything in my power to try," Firmin told KHOU.
According to Firmin, Lonestar chemistry teacher Thao Shirley Nguyen admitted to the entire class that she had accidentally been teaching a more advanced general chemistry curriculum. "In short, Firmin says Nguyen told the class that she had NOT been teaching them the introductory course in chemistry that they originally signed up for, but an advanced course in chemistry," KHOU reports.
The situation was allegedly remedied by raising every student's grade. Firmin — who would otherwise have failed the course — recieved a B, she said.
While Nguyen refused comment on the claims and the Lonestar administration denied that the professor had taught the wrong course, the head of the university's science department confirmed the mistake in an email. Lonestar told KHOU that they would not be conducting a formal investigation.
[H/T Inside Higher Ed]