This post was originally published on Quora, in answer to the question, "What makes organic chemistry difficult for many students?" We republished the answer with permission from the author, Justin Dragna, who has a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from UT Austin.
Most subjects require a lot of memorization with a little bit of logic (introductory biology), or they require very little memorization and a lot of logic (physics, math). People seem to gravitate towards one group of subjects or another.
It's rare for students to consider themselves excellent at memorizing things and excellent at solving problems.
People who are great at memorizing things tend to try and stick to classes like anatomy and physiology where it is a feat of intelligence to be able recall massive amounts of detailed information.
People who are great problem solvers tend to stay in physics where they can memorize first principles and then use their exceptional logic skills to fill in areas of the subject that others might try and memorize. They are probably capable of memorizing things, but they don't feel like they should have to.
Organic chemistry sits at the intersection of these two ways of thinking. It requires an exceptional amount of memorization and some pretty advanced problem solving. Thus, people are forced out of their comfort zones by the subject area. People who are used to memorizing fail at applying the things they try and memorize. People who prefer to build things up from first principles are screwed because organic chemistry is not based on first principles. It's based on loose guidelines to reactivity, and there are usually as many exceptions to rules as there are cases that fall within rules.
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